Thursday, May 27, 2010

Getting through a holiday weekend

Memorial Weekend is coming up which usually means BBQ's and drinking. Keep yourself in check with these 5 tips:
  1. Control your portion sizes
  2. Make the best choices possible in every situation
  3. Drink a lot of water to beat the heat
  4. If you are going to a BBQ, make a healthy option (or if you are hosting!)
  5. Keep your focus on enjoying the people you are with, not the food

There's no reason to deprive yourself of things you enjoy, just make sure you don't overindulge. Keep things in moderation and keep working out. Too much of ANYTHING (even healthy foods) get stored as fat. Think small, portion controlled. And the gym is ALWAYS open!!

Good luck and stay strong!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Why get fit? Do you want to look better? Do you want to feel more energized and less tired or blah? Here is a list of 10 reasons to get fit!

  • To lose some weight and fit into your old (or new) clothes

  • To feel stronger and look good anywhere you go

  • To find healthy ways to release the stress of life

  • To feel better about yourself by setting and achieving goals

  • To increase self-confidence and feel proud of yourself

  • To reduce health risks, such as stroke, diabetes, and heart attack

  • To improve performance in a particular sport or activity

  • To accomplish a life-long dream such as run a half or full marathon

  • To have better health - mental and physical

  • To live a longer, happier life

I have seen a lot of you at the gym and that is great!!!!

Keep up the hard work and you will get results

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gettin' into the Groove

Hello Campers! By now, you should have attended at least 1 Fit Camp group training. Remember, you have 3 to attend each week! And in combination try out some regular Group X classes too. Each week try a new class, variety is the key!

Also, you are heading into your first weekend. Weekends tend to be the toughest part, there are always social events or just being off your weekly schedule makes it harder. Remember to stay focused and make healthy choices. Stay active, maybe work out a little harder. I am teaching an outdoor bootcamp on Saturday 5/22 at 9am, would love to have you there! We are meeting in the front of the gym first then will head over to the park.

Make WEEK 1 a successful one!!!


Monday, May 17, 2010

Welcome Campers!!!

This is the first week of the Canton Club Fit Camp! We encourage all of you to take advantage of the 3 group trainings a week. We also recommend you attend the Group X classes the gym offers though out the week. Also spin classes are provided and is a very good calorie burning class.

Each time you come for the Fit Camp Group Classes please make sure you check in at the front desk. Please let Kristy or Angie know the classes you would like to attend during the week.

Kristy and Angie are ready to help you reach your goals!! So get to the gym and get your sweat on!!!
We are here for you every step of the way!