Monday, November 8, 2010

1/2 there!! Keeping the Motivation!

Weight loss motivation works if you have no fear in reaching your weight loss goals. The weight loss motivation here will help you gain discipline. Let's get your motivation for weight loss up to a level that will surprise you.

Fear prevents discipline, not only in regard to your personal goals, but also in exercise. Fear is responsible for the majority of would-be exercisers (meaning they would be an exerciser if they weren’t so scared!) If you don't exercise you can t strengthen your internal watchdog and in turn will always have a much harder time dealing with stress and negativity.

Too often we expect bad things will happen when we attempt to start something we really want to do. Good weight loss motivation will prevent this. Maybe you were cautiously optimistic (this is how positive thinkers refer to fear) about getting involved.

It's funny but you could have everyone rooting for you, and everything seems perfect. You can even have the best teacher in the world, but if you think of your fears during the execution of your plan or even before you start, you take the focus off the reward of your mission and you focus on the what - if I fail part.

Your weight loss motivation disappears then you successfully remove your discipline of staying on course.

This happens so often when it comes to weight loss. You may be all pumped up and excited about weight loss and maybe you finally decided to stop just talking about it and start doing it, but if you concentrate on the fear of not reaching your goal it will creep up on you and eventually overwhelm you and you know what that means - no weight loss motivation and you quit!!

What's the solution to keeping your weight loss and fitness motivation? Whenever you have a fear of something take all the negative aspects away from it; then all you have left is the positive! You then have no fear.

Sounds easy right? It's not. It takes guts to stay focused with outstanding weight loss motivation until you reach your weight loss goals.

Guts come from being fed up with something. Are you fed up? If you are, go for it and focus on the rewards of accomplishment, not the consequences of failure. If you have some type of fear regarding weight loss and fitness motivation, just do it and stay focused on the good.

There is so much good to focus on in weight loss & keep your weight loss and fitness motivation elevated.

Even if you're a million pounds overweight, and you feel you've just tried everything and nothing has worked, and your fear may be that you don't want to waste your time again or tell your friends about another diet or plan your trying, forget about it!

Forget about that negativity and just focus on weight loss motivation for the benefits of a stronger heart, breathing better, having more energy, and setting a good example for your kids or someone else that may see your efforts. Better than that, focus on the relief of stress and how much this will help your focus.

When thinking of your weight loss and fitness motivation & weight loss goals, remove all fears by:

  1. Focusing on the good
  2. Focusing on the objective
  3. Focusing on the goal
  4. Focusing on the solution
  5. Focusing on your aim
  6. Focusing on your destination

When you do, you'll see how quickly the fears disappear and you'll realize that you are retaining a high level of weight loss motivation.

1 comment:

  1. Watched Biggest Loser last night and it seems like Aaron had this problem, he kept apologizing and had no confidence in himself that he could actually do it. Did you see him in the live portion at the end, holy cow, he lost lots of weight and is looking good.

    We can all do it!!! Everyone in the group classes helps motivate me. That's what helps keep me going.
