Friday, November 5, 2010

Importance of Stretching

Hello Fit Campers! As you know we are coming to the end of our second week of Fit Camp, meaning we are half way to the finish line! Keep up the hard work and please do not hesitate to ask questions about any classes, exercises, or diet.

We all have been told how important stretching is but for some reason most of us still skip that step in our workout. Your workout should include stretching before and after your cardio and strength training program. When you're finishing up your workout and you're thinking "Oh I'm so tired, I don't need to stretch today"consider the benefits of stretching, such as increased circulation and flexibility!

Do not confuse stretching with your warm up, stretching "cold" muscles can lead to injury. Each muscle group should be stretched slowly and with control. Each stretch should be held for 15 to 30 seconds and should each be done 1 to 3 times.
Benefits of Stretching:

Stretching increases flexibility- daily stretching can improve your every day performance such as bending to tie your shoes, lifting a heavy box, or running up the steps at home or work. These things can become easier and less tiring with increased flexibility.

Stretching improves range of motion of your joints- good range of motion helps you maintain your balance which will in turn keep you less prone to falls and the related injuries to those falls.
Stretching improves circulation- stretching increases blood flow to your muscles and this can speed recovery after injuries.

Stretching can relieve stress- stretching releases tight, tense muscles that often come along with stress (which we all experience every day!)


A common mistake when stretching is bouncing; do not bounce when you stretch! Bouncing can cause small tears in the muscle that can leave scar tissue as the muscle heals which tightens the muscle even further making you less flexible and more prone to pain.

Keep up the hard work as we enter the second week of Fit Camp! Happy stretching :)

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