Hello Fit Campers! We all know there are many myths and truths to exercise, however we don't all know which is which. Here are some Truths and Myths to working out that may be helpful to you!
Myth: You can make certain body parts look great by doing exercises that only target those areas.
Truth: This is called "spot training" and it does not burn fat. Your body predetermines which fat stores it will use when you start to lose weight, unfortunately, we can't pick the spots we want to lose most from. Doing a lot of triceps extensions and dips alone cannot make your triceps look great, but adding in cardio exercise will help you reach that goal. Doing cardio activities will help you burn fat all over your body. If you want a balanced exercise program, add weight training exercises gradually for toning.
Myth: If you can't exercise hard and often, there's really no point.
Truth: Even slight activity can reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease. If you don't have a full 45 minutes to work out in a day, split it up into segments, 15 minutes here, 5 minutes there, etc. Try things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further away in the parking lot, body weight exercises or abs while you're watching your favorite show! Doing some sort of exercise is more beneficial than doing none!
Myth: No pain, no gain!
Truth: Exercise should not be agonizing pain! You should however, be tired and out of breath. At any point in a high intensity workout, you should not be able to carry on in conversation. There is a difference between muscle pain and muscle fatigue- fatigue is that burn you feel in your muscles, but any sharp uncomfortable jabbing pains is muscle pain. Pain like this is your body's way of telling you to stop, that you are doing too much! Listen to your body.
There are only a few days left of Fit Camp, we hope to see you all at the Last Chance Workout on Tuesday night at 7pm :)
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