Wednesday, November 3, 2010


It is easy to watch your scale rise to dangerous heights when you're busy with projects at work. After all, most jobs these days rarely require leaving the office (or the cubicle) or other strenuous manual labor. Many workplaces develop bad overeating habits: food takeouts/delivery, birthday parties, and team bonding sessions.

Here are some tips:

BE FRIENDS WITH THE WATER COOLER. You need to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Hdration with water lets you maintain concentration, curbs fatigue and prevents cravings (especially for sweets!). Many people misinterpret thirst as hunger, leading us to grab a quick treat when in fact water is what we need. It is not good to wait for the time when you're hankering for water. It is advisable to gulp some water every few minutes.

TAKE SOME FRESH AIR. Instead of spending your breaks catching up on the latest gossip (which won't do you any good in terms of health), use them to talk a walk outside your workplace. If your beaks are too short to get out, even walking up and down the stairs would do you well. A 10 minute walk here, another there! you won't only get your blood circulation active, you will also feel freshened and stirred up from the fresh air and the energy by simply walking.

REST WELL. There are only 24 hours in a day, and while many of us try to do as much as we can in a day, it is not doing our health any good. While skimping on sleep may allow us to do more, we may not necessarily be doing them very well. Another loss of ZZZ ZZZ-skippers? They tend to gain more fat and faster. Various studies have demonstrated that those who get less than ideal hours of sleep are prone to grabbing unhealthy and fattening foods. Many of these are energy boosters like candy bars and chocolates.

SKIP THE VENDING MACHINE. Very few of the items sold in a regular vending machine are good for you ( and your waistline). To save yourself from the fat and the expense, do your groceries before going to your work and fill your desk with healthy choices of snacks. Try Graham crackers, lo-fat granola bars, almonds and fruits are all good items to start with.

RULE YOUR STOMACH WITH YOUR HEAD. There is no denying that stress is plaguing almost all of us. In the workplace, stress is magnified to several degrees. be prepared for whatever challenges you might face at work. Keep in mind that whatever comes, you can face it with balanced and healthy diet without resorting to "emotional eating". If you want to be strict with your diet and health , you may want to keep a food journal to keep an eye on your eating patterns.

If you discover that you eat based on your current emotion or mood, you can take the necessary actions to prevent yourself from eating unhealthy foods when you feel the same emotion in the future.

Keep up the great work everyone! I see everyone has lost weight this week!
Happy days!!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately my cube is RIGHT next to our team huddle table where all the food brought in for the group sits. Yup, I just turn around and see the deliciousness -- I've been good this week (and last), but's its hard.
