Saturday, April 24, 2010

Congratulations Losers!!!!!

Congratulations to everyone of you for losing weight over the last six weeks! In addition to losing weight, take a minute to pat yourself on the back for other goals you may have accomplished ie. getting to the gym at least three times per week, incorporating strength training into your routines, being able to hold a plank for more than 30 sec., fitting in to a smaller pants size, eating healthier, and the examples could go on and on! Bottom line, in six weeks you made a difference!

Congrats to out top three finishers!
1) Jennifer L. w/ 10.7% weight loss
2) Rebecca F. w/ 10% weight loss
3) Amy L. w/ 9.66% weight loss

You were all awesome! Every single participant in FitCamp contributed to their success. You were a great group, always encouraging each other!

Hope to see you in the 4 Week FitCamp Expres starting May 17th!

: ) Jacki

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Final Countdown

Hello All! You have less than 24 hours to go. Unfortunately, we could not get everyone together for one final workout since everyone has different schedules. However, the final stats will be posted by tomorrow afternoon. Check back to see who finishes in the top three.

Kudos to
  • Tracy G. who weighed did her final weigh in today and hopped right on the treadmill for a workout! A sure sign she is committed to staying active!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Well...... Hello Campers!!!

You all have transformed into work-out machines! You all are looking quite amazing! This competition has flown by and I cannot believe it is the last week. All the classes are still on for rest week and the final class will be held on Saturday 10:30am. Take advantage of all the classes.

Be proud of what you have accomplished and keep working hard to reach your weight loss goals. Never give up!!

I will see you around the gym!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Last Week

I am not sure where the last five weeks have gone. What I do know is over the past five weeks I have seen a lot of hard work, sweat, and determination. (Not to mention, a lot of fun and friendships formed)

My advice to you this week, FINISH STRONG! Finish knowing in the last week you gave it your absolute best all the way to the end. Even if you think there have already been times where you have failed, forget about them and FINISH STRONG! Make the most of your last week of FitCamp.

All of you must weigh in by Saturday, April 24th for your final weight to count towards the winning prizes. Please make arrangements to do you final weigh ins and measurements before Saturday.

Take time this week to think about where you will be headed after FitCamp ends. What will your new goals be? How will you achieve these goals. Please talk to your trainer to make sure you have your goals and plans set. After all, FitCamp was just the start of your lifelong commitment and journey to physical well being and health!

Please post a comment today about your favorite moment or aspect of FitCamp!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Where are We NOW?

Hey gang! So where are you now in reaching your goals? Congrats to the top 4 posted yesterday! Make sure you are not comparing yourself to anyone else. Go for your PERSONAL goals. You can still get there! Over a week to go. Need more help? Ask your trainers!!! We are here to support you 100%. Tune up the nutrition!!! Drink more water. Do more cardio! YOU HAVE TO WANT THIS MORE THAN ANYTHING TO SUCCEED.

Also, Sunday with Den will be outdoor challenges again weather permitting! BE THERE!

" May the force be with you!"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This competition is getting very, very exciting!!!
The standings for week 4 are as follows:

1.) Rebecca - 6.86%
2.) Amy - 6.66%
3.) Jennifer - 6.1%
4.) Tracey - 5.99%

It is far from over kids! Crank it up, keep up that hard work and push yourself even harder.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Zone Out When You Workout

When working out, the worst thing you can do is focus on how much longer you have. You need to just clear your mind. Get into a zone where you feel "UNSTOPPABLE". The best way to do this is with your favorite music. Get lost in the music and let your body take over. Choose music with that is upbeat and has a fast pace.

This week: Take time to create a workout mix for yourself. I promise, it will make the time of your next solo workout fly by!

Some of my favorite workout tunes!
Unstoppable by Kate Deluna and Lil Wayne
Sandstorm by Durade
Hard by Rihanna featuring Jeezy
I Know You Want Me by Pitbull

Friday, April 9, 2010


Hello All!

I see bodies transforming into fit bodies! I have seen so many of you at the gym working sooo hard and I am very proud of each and everyone one of you!

We have two weeks left - now is the time to really kick it up! Try a different class next week, take a walk outside-don't stroll- pick up the pace! try jogging instead, what ever it takes to pump up the cardio! Take the stairs not the elevator, park your car the farthest from the entrance so you have to walk!

You all should be very proud of what you have accomplished so far! Keep up the good work!

Have a wonderful weekend

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Your Personal Best Today- Don't Look at Numbers

Ok ok everyone! Stop looking at the scale today. Keep eating very well and PUSH yourself in your workouts. Make today your personal best day yet. Do an extra 30 minutes of cardio or take an additional class. The extra calories you burn will make all the difference in the world in your progress. Stop obsessing over the scale and just push hard today. Be proud of the progress you have had so far and KEEP working for more... more... MORE!!! Get a fellow camper or another buddy to join you in your workout today. Make it FUN! Love yourself!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


When we think of weight loss success, we tend to think in inches and pounds, but there are actually many ways that you can measure success. When you make that commitment to get healthy, many things in your life and in your body will be changing. Don't get hung up on inches or pounds, as these may not be the right indicators for how well you are doing. Weight loss, when done, properly, takes time, but you will be getting several steps closer to success the longer you keep it up. Here's a few ways that you can measure your success.

The first few days or even weeks of your life style change can be tough, but pretty soon you should start to notice that you feel better. You will be more energized thanks to your metabolism which is now speeding up. You will also feel better knowing that you're sticking to your diet and that you will be a success.

The first time you walk up a flight of stairs and realize that you are not gasping for breath. When you can do 20 tricep dips on the bench instead of 5. When you can do 1 minute of mountain climbers without stopping. What used to make you gasp, now makes you smile. That you thought you could not do - YOU CAN!

Steamed veggies and fish tasting good? You bet! after a few weeks of eating healthy, your taste buds are going to start to change. The old standbys may even become quite nasty if you happen to fall off the wagon. The more you stay away from processed and sugary foods, the better your chances are of developing a new palate that is much healthier. It may take a bit, and you may be tempted to cheat along the way, but if you can stick it out, you will find that healthy foods actually taste better than junk foods.

This is an obvious one, but it really does help measure your progress. The first time someone says, "Have you lost weight?" or the first time you catch glimpse of yourself in a window and think "Gee, I have lost weight." These moments are priceless and make the effort you are going through worthwhile.

I am not saying to burn the measuring tape and throw out the scale. However, these should not be your only method of measuring success. The small victories lead to bigger victories and weight loss is really about getting healthier and feeling better!!

I am so proud of everyone in the Fit Camp. You all are getting stronger and I can see many changes in all!!
Keep up the great work!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stay Focused!

The weather continues to get nicer this week! Stay focused. Increase your cardio workouts and extra time in the gym or outside being active! Not happy with numbers from last week? You can double it this week if you stick with your workouts and eat better. Cut out the junk, the sugar, the alcohol. Eat lean. Get outside. Wear the sunscreen of course! Stay in your ZONE. Come on gang. The competition is far from over. Who is still in the GAME???!!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Current Standings at Week Three

Who do you need to beat?
Current Top Three

1) Rebecca F. with 6.5% weight loss
2) Amy L. with 6.14 % weight loss
3) Jennifer L with 4.53 % weight loss

Remember, its not over till its over! For the next three weeks step up your game, you can still come in first! : )

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fit Camp Participants! We are half way through the 6 week program. This is not the time to lose your momentum. Keep on keeping on…

Take time today to reflect on the first half of the program.
1. Have you been attending your three sessions per week? If not, what is getting in the way?
2. Have you been sticking to your diet? If not, what are your major barriers?
3. Have you been seeing measurable results? If not, what do you think is your biggest obstacle getting in the way of you seeing results?

Take time to set new goals for the next three weeks.
1. Add two extra cardio workouts per week to my current routine.
2. Give up alcohol entirely for the next three weeks.
3. Attend at least two new group fitness classes.
4. Learn about my target heart rate zones and start monitoring my heart rate during workouts.

Your trainer and all the trainers involved in the FitCamp are here for you. We want you to see results. Take advantage of us!

Remember, NO EXCUSES!

George Washington Carver
“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.”

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Time to Switch it UP!

We have talked a lot about nutrition, and now it's time to switch up those workouts guys. Many of you take additional classes besides the 3 group trainings you get with your camp. Why not trying a new class you haven't tried? Take a different FLEX class? Try a spin class if you don't do those already. Try the BAGS n BOSUS class?!! Switching up your workouts will give you what we call muscle confusion. Many of these different classes are a good way to cross train. People who run often do spin as an alternative and those who lift enjoy kickboxing. This will keep your weeks fun and varied. Happy workouts!