Thursday, April 8, 2010

Your Personal Best Today- Don't Look at Numbers

Ok ok everyone! Stop looking at the scale today. Keep eating very well and PUSH yourself in your workouts. Make today your personal best day yet. Do an extra 30 minutes of cardio or take an additional class. The extra calories you burn will make all the difference in the world in your progress. Stop obsessing over the scale and just push hard today. Be proud of the progress you have had so far and KEEP working for more... more... MORE!!! Get a fellow camper or another buddy to join you in your workout today. Make it FUN! Love yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I find this super hard. This is were I end up giving up. Because once I have a bad week (where I don't lose or gain, I give up). This is a great post for me because this has been a bad week and I need to get past that and keep working at it!
