Thursday, March 25, 2010

Getting the Most From Your...(SELF)

Hey gang!

Happy thursday. Today's blog is about keeping yourself in the GAME. Are you keeping yourself where you want to be as we finish week 2? Have you made it to your 6 trainings as of this saturday? Have you been working cardio on your off days? Is that nutrition tuned up a notch from last week? If you need more help and motivation you should be contacting your team's trainer ASAP. That's what we are here for .. to help you stay on track and be motivated! If you are stressed from work and life today... come to the evening's group training or just come in and get in a good 30-45 minutes of cardio on your own.. or take a class! There are plenty to choose from.

Three tips to get you going farther in the direction you desire...

1. Improve one or more portions of your nutrition. What junk can you cut out and replace with fresh raw veggies or nuts?
2. Go to bed just 30 minutes earlier than usual tonight. A little extra good sleep will energize you for tomorrow!
3. Add 5 minutes or 3/4 of a mile more to your next cardio routine. The push will give you an extra sense of accomplishment!

You can do it gang! "May the force be with you."

:) Den

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