Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Second Week Begins!

You are all off to a strong start! Your trainers are very impressed with your hard work. 10 out of 13 of you showed for the Sunday group training. It was awesome seeing you all work together. You all saw how determined your competition is. If you want to win, you are going to have to give it 100% for 5 more weeks.

As you head into the second week, remember CONSISTENCY is key. You need to continue to plan out your meals and workouts. "If you fail to plan, plan to fail." We know you all have busy lives, but you should never be too busy to take care of yourself. When you signed up for the FitCamp, you made it apparent you care about yourself. Be willing to make sacrifices day after day.

This Week's To Do's
#1 Dejunk your cabinets. Get rid off all the junk food and/or food items that are too tempting to resist.
#2 Put sabotagers in their place! Do you have any friends/family members who say thinks like, "just one cookie is ok, just one drink is fine, you can miss a workout, I baked you your favorite brownies, juts one..." If so, you need to let them know your goals. Let them know if they care about you and are truly a friend they will support you.

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