Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Self Evaluate? - STEP IT UP!

Hey Gang! Was great to see everyone that came to the Team Challenge on Sunday. You should have had or today should be your first weigh in since we started. Are you happy with your loss so far? If you are ... GREAT!... keep working hard... eating well, working out often and feeling good. If you are NOT... what is your ROAD BLOCK? What is keeping you from your success? Eating habits not the best? Not getting enough workouts in? Are you not mentally "IN THE ZONE?"

For those who are on track and happy.. keep going! You can blow those goals out of the water! Get in cardio on your off days from the group trainings. Push yourself on a mile run on the treadmill this week. Shave a minute each week off that starting time. You will be surprised how much you can improve!

For those hitting ROAD BLOCKS here are some suggestions. If it is eating related.. you must push to eat healthier! STOP THE ALCOHOL ALTOGETHER FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE CAMP! Drink more water. Cut out the salty and sweet snacks. Replace with fresh fruits and raw veggies! You can do it! Get mentally in the "ZONE." Take 15 minutes before bed today and read part of a book... Clear your mind. Start tomorrow fresh and tell yourself " IT IS MY DAY. I AM GOING TO LOSE MORE WEIGHT AND BECOME MORE HEALTHY."

Keep on guys! Let's rock during week 2!

:) Den

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