Wednesday, November 24, 2010
And the winners are....
Taking 2nd Katie
Taking 3rd Sherry
Way to go!!!! Now it is time to conquer the 30 day challenge!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Getting through the Holidays
1. Sit down with yourself and deciding ahead of time what you will and won’t eat. Maybe you’ll decide to avoid some items, such as the whipped cream on the pie or the egg nog, while setting a limit on favorite foods. You can have those traditional foods that make the holidays special, like the potato latka or the mincemeat pie at a family get together, just keep the total day around 2,000 calories, rather than blowing out at 4,000 calories. You also can establish a trade-off system where you decide to have three pieces of a co-worker’s homemade fudge at the office party this afternoon in exchange for avoiding desserts for the next three days.
2. Keep your eating schedule on track. Many people skip meals in an effort to save calories this time of year. Big mistake. This plan backfires and inevitably increases cravings and lowers resistance later in the day, which can lead to overeating at holiday festivities Instead, keep yourself on schedule by stocking the kitchen with low-fat munchables and eating a nutritious light breakfast and lunch the day of a social event.
3. Remember to eat consciously and only when you’re hungry. You’ll save 100s of calories if you don’t graze unconsciously, eat while cleaning up the kitchen, or nibble while talking. While fatigue, emotions, expectations, and stress are high during the holidays, eating more than you want or need won’t bring you closer to a friend, calmer at a party, or more energetic.
4. Be aware of your emotional state when you’re eating during the holiday. The holidays bring with them a wealth of emotions, both good and bad, and some people turn to food to sooth their feelings. Family reunions can be a mixture of joy and conflict, expectations for the holidays can lead to disappointments and loneliness, and even the stress of preparing for the holidays can evoke memories that are both sad and happy. Talk through, rather than eat through, those feelings. Often just telling a friend that the holidays are a hard time for you can help relieve the pressure and reduce unwanted eating.
5. Finally, take your time at the buffet table to check out the offerings. Then fill the plate with fresh vegetables, melon slices or other fresh fruit, salads with low-fat dressing, and lean slices of meat. That way you can have small samplings of the higher-fat festive foods, but won’t be tempted to overdo it.
Friday, November 19, 2010
A Few Myths, A Few Truths
Myth: You can make certain body parts look great by doing exercises that only target those areas.
Truth: This is called "spot training" and it does not burn fat. Your body predetermines which fat stores it will use when you start to lose weight, unfortunately, we can't pick the spots we want to lose most from. Doing a lot of triceps extensions and dips alone cannot make your triceps look great, but adding in cardio exercise will help you reach that goal. Doing cardio activities will help you burn fat all over your body. If you want a balanced exercise program, add weight training exercises gradually for toning.
Myth: If you can't exercise hard and often, there's really no point.
Truth: Even slight activity can reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease. If you don't have a full 45 minutes to work out in a day, split it up into segments, 15 minutes here, 5 minutes there, etc. Try things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further away in the parking lot, body weight exercises or abs while you're watching your favorite show! Doing some sort of exercise is more beneficial than doing none!
Myth: No pain, no gain!
Truth: Exercise should not be agonizing pain! You should however, be tired and out of breath. At any point in a high intensity workout, you should not be able to carry on in conversation. There is a difference between muscle pain and muscle fatigue- fatigue is that burn you feel in your muscles, but any sharp uncomfortable jabbing pains is muscle pain. Pain like this is your body's way of telling you to stop, that you are doing too much! Listen to your body.
There are only a few days left of Fit Camp, we hope to see you all at the Last Chance Workout on Tuesday night at 7pm :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Here are some motivational quotes from athletes, actors, poets, and more! We hope you can keep these things in mind when you are feeling tired and weak. Everyone is doing so well and our turn outs for classes have been fantastic!
"The first wealth is health."-Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." - Sir Winston Churchill
"Eighty percent of success is showing up!" - Woody Allen
"Champions keep playing until they get it right." - Billie Jean King
"Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision." - Muhammad Ali
"If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who comes up on the short end." - Julius Erving
"A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools." - Spanish Proverb
"Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness." -Earl of Derby
"Movement is medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states." -Carol Welch
"The human body was designed to walk, run or stop; it wasn't built for coasting." -Cullen Hightower
"While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us." -Benjamin Franklin
"The journey is the reward." - Chinese Proverb
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!" -Muhammad Ali
Let's finish out fit camp with a bang! Keep up the awesome work everyone!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010
1/2 there!! Keeping the Motivation!
Weight loss motivation works if you have no fear in reaching your weight loss goals. The weight loss motivation here will help you gain discipline. Let's get your motivation for weight loss up to a level that will surprise you.
Fear prevents discipline, not only in regard to your personal goals, but also in exercise. Fear is responsible for the majority of would-be exercisers (meaning they would be an exerciser if they weren’t so scared!) If you don't exercise you can t strengthen your internal watchdog and in turn will always have a much harder time dealing with stress and negativity.
Too often we expect bad things will happen when we attempt to start something we really want to do. Good weight loss motivation will prevent this. Maybe you were cautiously optimistic (this is how positive thinkers refer to fear) about getting involved.
It's funny but you could have everyone rooting for you, and everything seems perfect. You can even have the best teacher in the world, but if you think of your fears during the execution of your plan or even before you start, you take the focus off the reward of your mission and you focus on the what - if I fail part.
Your weight loss motivation disappears then you successfully remove your discipline of staying on course.
This happens so often when it comes to weight loss. You may be all pumped up and excited about weight loss and maybe you finally decided to stop just talking about it and start doing it, but if you concentrate on the fear of not reaching your goal it will creep up on you and eventually overwhelm you and you know what that means - no weight loss motivation and you quit!!
What's the solution to keeping your weight loss and fitness motivation? Whenever you have a fear of something take all the negative aspects away from it; then all you have left is the positive! You then have no fear.
Sounds easy right? It's not. It takes guts to stay focused with outstanding weight loss motivation until you reach your weight loss goals.
Guts come from being fed up with something. Are you fed up? If you are, go for it and focus on the rewards of accomplishment, not the consequences of failure. If you have some type of fear regarding weight loss and fitness motivation, just do it and stay focused on the good.
There is so much good to focus on in weight loss & keep your weight loss and fitness motivation elevated.
Even if you're a million pounds overweight, and you feel you've just tried everything and nothing has worked, and your fear may be that you don't want to waste your time again or tell your friends about another diet or plan your trying, forget about it!
Forget about that negativity and just focus on weight loss motivation for the benefits of a stronger heart, breathing better, having more energy, and setting a good example for your kids or someone else that may see your efforts. Better than that, focus on the relief of stress and how much this will help your focus.
When thinking of your weight loss and fitness motivation & weight loss goals, remove all fears by:
- Focusing on the good
- Focusing on the objective
- Focusing on the goal
- Focusing on the solution
- Focusing on your aim
- Focusing on your destination
When you do, you'll see how quickly the fears disappear and you'll realize that you are retaining a high level of weight loss motivation.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Importance of Stretching

Stretching can relieve stress- stretching releases tight, tense muscles that often come along with stress (which we all experience every day!)
A common mistake when stretching is bouncing; do not bounce when you stretch! Bouncing can cause small tears in the muscle that can leave scar tissue as the muscle heals which tightens the muscle even further making you less flexible and more prone to pain.
Keep up the hard work as we enter the second week of Fit Camp! Happy stretching :)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Here are some tips:
BE FRIENDS WITH THE WATER COOLER. You need to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Hdration with water lets you maintain concentration, curbs fatigue and prevents cravings (especially for sweets!). Many people misinterpret thirst as hunger, leading us to grab a quick treat when in fact water is what we need. It is not good to wait for the time when you're hankering for water. It is advisable to gulp some water every few minutes.
TAKE SOME FRESH AIR. Instead of spending your breaks catching up on the latest gossip (which won't do you any good in terms of health), use them to talk a walk outside your workplace. If your beaks are too short to get out, even walking up and down the stairs would do you well. A 10 minute walk here, another there! you won't only get your blood circulation active, you will also feel freshened and stirred up from the fresh air and the energy by simply walking.
REST WELL. There are only 24 hours in a day, and while many of us try to do as much as we can in a day, it is not doing our health any good. While skimping on sleep may allow us to do more, we may not necessarily be doing them very well. Another loss of ZZZ ZZZ-skippers? They tend to gain more fat and faster. Various studies have demonstrated that those who get less than ideal hours of sleep are prone to grabbing unhealthy and fattening foods. Many of these are energy boosters like candy bars and chocolates.
SKIP THE VENDING MACHINE. Very few of the items sold in a regular vending machine are good for you ( and your waistline). To save yourself from the fat and the expense, do your groceries before going to your work and fill your desk with healthy choices of snacks. Try Graham crackers, lo-fat granola bars, almonds and fruits are all good items to start with.
RULE YOUR STOMACH WITH YOUR HEAD. There is no denying that stress is plaguing almost all of us. In the workplace, stress is magnified to several degrees. be prepared for whatever challenges you might face at work. Keep in mind that whatever comes, you can face it with balanced and healthy diet without resorting to "emotional eating". If you want to be strict with your diet and health , you may want to keep a food journal to keep an eye on your eating patterns.
If you discover that you eat based on your current emotion or mood, you can take the necessary actions to prevent yourself from eating unhealthy foods when you feel the same emotion in the future.
Keep up the great work everyone! I see everyone has lost weight this week!
Happy days!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Breakfast of Champions!

Many people ask "why is eating breakfast so important?" Well first, breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it boosts your metabolism, increases your attention span, gives you more energy, and increases your sense of well-being. Eating breakfast is extremely important for weight loss and management because you curb your hunger that increases over the 7-10 hours that you were sleeping for. You get no snack or meal in those hours so your blood glucose level goes down. Eating breakfast "breaks the fast" so you don't binge eat later in the day. One third of your day's calories should be in your breakfast!
People are quick to have a list of reasons why they don't eat breakfast, for example:
"I don't like breakfast foods"- You don't always have to have a breakfast food, eating leftovers or anything healthy is fine!
"I don't have enough time in the morning"- Making time to eat in the morning is making time to be healthy! Grab something for the road, a piece of fruit, make toast and take it on the road!
"I am not hungry in the morning"- start slow, take one piece of fruit in the mornings, soon enough you will begin to get hungry in the morning and you can add to your breakfast.
When you wake up in the morning, your sugar level is at its lowest point in the day and that is the basic fuel for the brain and central nervous system. A good breakfast will keep you from being tired and irritable.
Here are some excellent breakfast choices:
whole grain toast or bagel with a fruit spread or peanut butter
hot cereal- oatmeal
high fiber cereal (wheat chex, etc.)
whole grain waffles
breakfast smoothie
Try this "Good-for-you Granola" Recipe at:
Keep up the hard work!! See you all next week :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
It was so nice to see all of you Tuesday at the Kick Off! Everyone looked like they are ready to Rock and Roll!
Also I had a great turn out for the Group Fitness Class last night! Keep up the good work!
Here are a few suggestions to keep yourself motivated to Lose Weight:
1.) Visualize the success.
In order NOT to quit, think about what is waiting for you when you reach your goal. Think how well you will feel, how others will admire you , how you will improve your health, what small size clothes you will be able to shop for.
2.) Find a passion or hobby.
When you set your goal, refocus your mind from snacking to other things. Do not think about food constantly, it only encourages you to break the rules, and irritates you. Try to find a passion, a hobby, which will occupy your thoughts. The best way is to find a hobby away from the kitchen.
3.) Start with small changes.
If your eating habits require a number of radical changes, do not make them all at once, because you will get discouraged. Any modifications to your current menu should be implemented slowly.
4.) Reward the results.
The prize should be a pleasant bubble bath, good sleep, new clothes, new pair of running shoes and NOT chocolate or other snack.
5.) Convince yourself it is worth the trouble.
Remind yourself how much better you will be when you get to your target weight/size.
6.) Get used to new lifestyle and diet.
Changing eating habit is often associated with changes that seem impossible to implement. The healthy foods do not always have to taste bad. There are a number foods which are delicious, for example: cereals, nuts, bran with dried fruit, Greek yogurt, whole grains.
7.) Find someone who is trying to lose weight and make a lifestyle change and do this together.
Support each other and share your successes and failures.
8.) List the reasons why you decided to lose weight.
For example: to feel better, to be healthier, to have more energy........
Now it is time to enforce these rules!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
- Chris with 7.29% loss
- Rebecca with 6.18% loss
- Eric with 5.65% loss
Congrats to EVERYONE on all your hard work! You've all done amazing and I hope you continue forward with your goals!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Last Week!!
Standings as of today:
1st - Erik with 6% weight loss
2nd - Chris with 5% weight loss
Tied for 3rd Rebbecca and Maria with 3.4% weight loss
Everyone has been doing so well by coming to all the classes and trying so hard. I can see a difference in you all! Everyone is getting much stronger than 3 weeks ago and have slimmed down a lot. Keep up the great work! Now - this is the last week, try to make as many classes as you can!
You all should be very proud of your accomplishments !
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Finish Line is in sight!!
Everyone is looking great and getting stronger. Remember, you get out of this what YOU put into it!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Getting through a holiday weekend
- Control your portion sizes
- Make the best choices possible in every situation
- Drink a lot of water to beat the heat
- If you are going to a BBQ, make a healthy option (or if you are hosting!)
- Keep your focus on enjoying the people you are with, not the food
There's no reason to deprive yourself of things you enjoy, just make sure you don't overindulge. Keep things in moderation and keep working out. Too much of ANYTHING (even healthy foods) get stored as fat. Think small, portion controlled. And the gym is ALWAYS open!!
Good luck and stay strong!
Monday, May 24, 2010

Why get fit? Do you want to look better? Do you want to feel more energized and less tired or blah? Here is a list of 10 reasons to get fit!
- To lose some weight and fit into your old (or new) clothes
- To feel stronger and look good anywhere you go
- To find healthy ways to release the stress of life
- To feel better about yourself by setting and achieving goals
- To increase self-confidence and feel proud of yourself
- To reduce health risks, such as stroke, diabetes, and heart attack
- To improve performance in a particular sport or activity
- To accomplish a life-long dream such as run a half or full marathon
- To have better health - mental and physical
- To live a longer, happier life
I have seen a lot of you at the gym and that is great!!!!
Keep up the hard work and you will get results
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Gettin' into the Groove
Hello Campers! By now, you should have attended at least 1 Fit Camp group training. Remember, you have 3 to attend each week! And in combination try out some regular Group X classes too. Each week try a new class, variety is the key!
Also, you are heading into your first weekend. Weekends tend to be the toughest part, there are always social events or just being off your weekly schedule makes it harder. Remember to stay focused and make healthy choices. Stay active, maybe work out a little harder. I am teaching an outdoor bootcamp on Saturday 5/22 at 9am, would love to have you there! We are meeting in the front of the gym first then will head over to the park.
Make WEEK 1 a successful one!!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Welcome Campers!!!
Each time you come for the Fit Camp Group Classes please make sure you check in at the front desk. Please let Kristy or Angie know the classes you would like to attend during the week.
Kristy and Angie are ready to help you reach your goals!! So get to the gym and get your sweat on!!!
We are here for you every step of the way!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Congratulations Losers!!!!!
Congrats to out top three finishers!
1) Jennifer L. w/ 10.7% weight loss
2) Rebecca F. w/ 10% weight loss
3) Amy L. w/ 9.66% weight loss
You were all awesome! Every single participant in FitCamp contributed to their success. You were a great group, always encouraging each other!
Hope to see you in the 4 Week FitCamp Expres starting May 17th!
: ) Jacki
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Final Countdown
Kudos to
- Tracy G. who weighed did her final weigh in today and hopped right on the treadmill for a workout! A sure sign she is committed to staying active!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Last Week
My advice to you this week, FINISH STRONG! Finish knowing in the last week you gave it your absolute best all the way to the end. Even if you think there have already been times where you have failed, forget about them and FINISH STRONG! Make the most of your last week of FitCamp.
All of you must weigh in by Saturday, April 24th for your final weight to count towards the winning prizes. Please make arrangements to do you final weigh ins and measurements before Saturday.
Take time this week to think about where you will be headed after FitCamp ends. What will your new goals be? How will you achieve these goals. Please talk to your trainer to make sure you have your goals and plans set. After all, FitCamp was just the start of your lifelong commitment and journey to physical well being and health!
Please post a comment today about your favorite moment or aspect of FitCamp!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Where are We NOW?
Also, Sunday with Den will be outdoor challenges again weather permitting! BE THERE!
" May the force be with you!"
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
This competition is getting very, very exciting!!!
The standings for week 4 are as follows:
1.) Rebecca - 6.86%
2.) Amy - 6.66%
3.) Jennifer - 6.1%
4.) Tracey - 5.99%
It is far from over kids! Crank it up, keep up that hard work and push yourself even harder.

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Zone Out When You Workout
This week: Take time to create a workout mix for yourself. I promise, it will make the time of your next solo workout fly by!
Some of my favorite workout tunes!
Unstoppable by Kate Deluna and Lil Wayne
Sandstorm by Durade
Hard by Rihanna featuring Jeezy
I Know You Want Me by Pitbull
Friday, April 9, 2010

Hello All!
I see bodies transforming into fit bodies! I have seen so many of you at the gym working sooo hard and I am very proud of each and everyone one of you!
We have two weeks left - now is the time to really kick it up! Try a different class next week, take a walk outside-don't stroll- pick up the pace! try jogging instead, what ever it takes to pump up the cardio! Take the stairs not the elevator, park your car the farthest from the entrance so you have to walk!
You all should be very proud of what you have accomplished so far! Keep up the good work!
Have a wonderful weekend
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Your Personal Best Today- Don't Look at Numbers
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

When we think of weight loss success, we tend to think in inches and pounds, but there are actually many ways that you can measure success. When you make that commitment to get healthy, many things in your life and in your body will be changing. Don't get hung up on inches or pounds, as these may not be the right indicators for how well you are doing. Weight loss, when done, properly, takes time, but you will be getting several steps closer to success the longer you keep it up. Here's a few ways that you can measure your success.
The first few days or even weeks of your life style change can be tough, but pretty soon you should start to notice that you feel better. You will be more energized thanks to your metabolism which is now speeding up. You will also feel better knowing that you're sticking to your diet and that you will be a success.
The first time you walk up a flight of stairs and realize that you are not gasping for breath. When you can do 20 tricep dips on the bench instead of 5. When you can do 1 minute of mountain climbers without stopping. What used to make you gasp, now makes you smile. That you thought you could not do - YOU CAN!
Steamed veggies and fish tasting good? You bet! after a few weeks of eating healthy, your taste buds are going to start to change. The old standbys may even become quite nasty if you happen to fall off the wagon. The more you stay away from processed and sugary foods, the better your chances are of developing a new palate that is much healthier. It may take a bit, and you may be tempted to cheat along the way, but if you can stick it out, you will find that healthy foods actually taste better than junk foods.
This is an obvious one, but it really does help measure your progress. The first time someone says, "Have you lost weight?" or the first time you catch glimpse of yourself in a window and think "Gee, I have lost weight." These moments are priceless and make the effort you are going through worthwhile.
I am not saying to burn the measuring tape and throw out the scale. However, these should not be your only method of measuring success. The small victories lead to bigger victories and weight loss is really about getting healthier and feeling better!!
I am so proud of everyone in the Fit Camp. You all are getting stronger and I can see many changes in all!!
Keep up the great work!!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Stay Focused!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Current Standings at Week Three
Current Top Three
1) Rebecca F. with 6.5% weight loss
2) Amy L. with 6.14 % weight loss
3) Jennifer L with 4.53 % weight loss
Remember, its not over till its over! For the next three weeks step up your game, you can still come in first! : )
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Take time today to reflect on the first half of the program.
1. Have you been attending your three sessions per week? If not, what is getting in the way?
2. Have you been sticking to your diet? If not, what are your major barriers?
3. Have you been seeing measurable results? If not, what do you think is your biggest obstacle getting in the way of you seeing results?
Take time to set new goals for the next three weeks.
1. Add two extra cardio workouts per week to my current routine.
2. Give up alcohol entirely for the next three weeks.
3. Attend at least two new group fitness classes.
4. Learn about my target heart rate zones and start monitoring my heart rate during workouts.
Your trainer and all the trainers involved in the FitCamp are here for you. We want you to see results. Take advantage of us!
Remember, NO EXCUSES!
George Washington Carver
“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.”
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Time to Switch it UP!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

If you want to lose weight or simply feel better by eating healthier, consider the source of what you eat. Do most of your foods come out of a box, bag or jar or do they still resemble something that grew? The best diets are ones rich in whole foods and which contain few processed foods.
A whole food is just what it sounds like - a food that you eat whole, just the way nature intended. When foods are processed they are often stripped of nutrients and filled with additives, and so you want to eat things that are as close to their natural state as possible. Fruits and vegetables are perfect examples. You can eat them fresh from the garden, skin and all. Whole grains are healthy because the most nutritious part of the grain is still intact.
Eating a diet rich with fruits, vegetables and whole grains will support the loss of extra pounds while fueling your body during those long rides. The vitamins and minerals in these foods are not only the best for building muscle, but have been shown to protect the body against a variety of chronic diseases including cancer and heart disease.
Start today by adding a fruit or vegetable to every meal. Keep fresh fruit around and out on the table where it is easy to snack on. I always have a bowl of oranges, bananas, apples and grapes on my kitchen table, so if I have the urge to snack I grab a piece of fruit not the fridge!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Make It Another Great Week
For Example,
Nutrition Goal: Eat more vegetables with dinner. Load up my plate with green leafy veggies or broccoli/green beans.
Fitness Goal: Add bursts of higher intensity intervals to the workouts I do on my own this week. When on the treadmill, increase the incline to a 15 for at least one minute every three minutes. When outside walking, run for one minute intervals every two minutes.
All of the trainers are very impressed with everyone's dedication so far. You are all putting in so much effort. Remember it is 100% diet, 100% exercise, and 100% determination. If you are looking to win, you are going to have to give it your all. Don't slip up for a second, I promise there is a competitor out there who will pass you if you do!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Getting the Most From Your...(SELF)
Happy thursday. Today's blog is about keeping yourself in the GAME. Are you keeping yourself where you want to be as we finish week 2? Have you made it to your 6 trainings as of this saturday? Have you been working cardio on your off days? Is that nutrition tuned up a notch from last week? If you need more help and motivation you should be contacting your team's trainer ASAP. That's what we are here for .. to help you stay on track and be motivated! If you are stressed from work and life today... come to the evening's group training or just come in and get in a good 30-45 minutes of cardio on your own.. or take a class! There are plenty to choose from.
Three tips to get you going farther in the direction you desire...
1. Improve one or more portions of your nutrition. What junk can you cut out and replace with fresh raw veggies or nuts?
2. Go to bed just 30 minutes earlier than usual tonight. A little extra good sleep will energize you for tomorrow!
3. Add 5 minutes or 3/4 of a mile more to your next cardio routine. The push will give you an extra sense of accomplishment!
You can do it gang! "May the force be with you."
:) Den
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One of the hardest things about exercise, the constant need for motivation may be the most frustrating. Every day, you have to wake up and find a reason to exercise, all while talking yourself out of all the things that stand in your way.
Set Realistic Goals: Having something to work for can give you that extra nudge you need to get moving.
Don't Wait for It: Motivation doesn't just happen, it's something you create. What do you really want for yourself and your future? Answering that may get you moving.
Think Before You Skip: Don't allow yourself to skip a workout without careful thought and consequences.
Make Exercise Easy: Having your workouts scheduled, your gear handy and a plan makes it easier to follow through.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Self Evaluate? - STEP IT UP!
For those who are on track and happy.. keep going! You can blow those goals out of the water! Get in cardio on your off days from the group trainings. Push yourself on a mile run on the treadmill this week. Shave a minute each week off that starting time. You will be surprised how much you can improve!
For those hitting ROAD BLOCKS here are some suggestions. If it is eating related.. you must push to eat healthier! STOP THE ALCOHOL ALTOGETHER FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE CAMP! Drink more water. Cut out the salty and sweet snacks. Replace with fresh fruits and raw veggies! You can do it! Get mentally in the "ZONE." Take 15 minutes before bed today and read part of a book... Clear your mind. Start tomorrow fresh and tell yourself " IT IS MY DAY. I AM GOING TO LOSE MORE WEIGHT AND BECOME MORE HEALTHY."
Keep on guys! Let's rock during week 2!
:) Den
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Second Week Begins!
As you head into the second week, remember CONSISTENCY is key. You need to continue to plan out your meals and workouts. "If you fail to plan, plan to fail." We know you all have busy lives, but you should never be too busy to take care of yourself. When you signed up for the FitCamp, you made it apparent you care about yourself. Be willing to make sacrifices day after day.
This Week's To Do's
#1 Dejunk your cabinets. Get rid off all the junk food and/or food items that are too tempting to resist.
#2 Put sabotagers in their place! Do you have any friends/family members who say thinks like, "just one cookie is ok, just one drink is fine, you can miss a workout, I baked you your favorite brownies, juts one..." If so, you need to let them know your goals. Let them know if they care about you and are truly a friend they will support you.
Friday, March 19, 2010
How to Keep Your Diet Especially During the Weekend
Plan your meals for the whole week in advance and buy all the necessary ingredients before the weekend. That way you won’t go grocery shopping in the weekend and get tempted by all those weekend food promotions and offers. Make sure your fridge is full of fruits, vegetables and nuts for a fast healthy snack.
Eat lots of raw vegetables and fruits: celery, pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, apples, pears, peaches, strawberries… Prepare fresh salads and drink lots of water. It is recommended that you eat your salad in small portions and drink a big glass of water before each meal. That way you will feel full faster.
Exercising is important for your weight loss success. Go to the gym! A long walk with your loved one or even your friends is a great way to exercise during the weekend. Go to a park or you can even get outside the city and enjoy the wildlife. You should exercise at least 30 minutes daily.
Everyone have a great weekend!
Go outside and enjoy the warm weather........take a jog, work in your garden, whatever it takes to stay busy!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Managing Your Week - No Excuses!
Just some notes on how to manage your week with your busy schedule. We need to make sure we are not taking two days in a row off from exercise. That increased metabolism from eating more properly needs to go somewhere (meaning burn it off baby!) If you are having trouble getting in enough workouts in the week besides the group trainings, I suggest you find at least 30-45 minutes to do an increased cardio pumping activity. If you can get to the gym.. at least do 30 minutes of cardio on the machine of your choice. Get that heart pumping! At least you got in and burned some good calories! If you can't make it to the gym... other suggestions include jogging outside. (The weather is getting to 70+ degrees this weekend... NO EXCUSES!) With your kids if you have them or your significant other, get out and kick or toss a ball around. Be active!!!!! Heck... since it's going to be so nice out this weekend you have no excuse to workout both days. Even if you can't come to the gym you can burn calories. Get outside. Get the heart rate up. Hydrate- drink plenty of water.
See you soon!
:) Den
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
P.S. - Tuesday Night with Den - KICKBOXING!
Quick note again. Tonight we will be doing a great cardio pumping kickboxing workout. Meet me in the lobby at 7pm and be ready to sweat and pump it!
:) Den
Happy Tuesday!
Remember that you need three combinations for success in this program...
1. Improved Proper Nutrition
2. Great, Regular Workouts (burn off more calories than you take in within the day to burn fat)
3. Rest- Are you getting a good night's sleep? And alternating body parts each day that you workout? Rest sore muscles and work different ones. The rest you get from sleep and the rest you give your muscles will rejuvenate and rebuild you.
Drink plenty of water. Come on guys! Cut down to ONE CUP of coffee.
Lastly, this is YOUR FIT CAMP! You have to WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT. We will keep you motivated.. but be in the right mind set. You can so do this!
Have a great day guys!
:) Den
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Nutrition 101
If you are are frequent Panera visitor, please check out on the Internet and learn about the calories you are consuming. You may be very SHOCKED to find what you thought was a healthy option is really 1200 calories.
Two Recommendations at Panera
Breakfast Power Sandwich- Hold the cheese!
Lunch or Dinner
Customize a Frontego Chicken Hot Panini: Instead of the 860 calorie as is version, try this 300 calorie version!
First of all the Foccio bread should be replaced by the White Whole Grain Bread and worse case scenario the rye but that would add another 110 calories to the overall sandwich.
Second, hold the cheese and the mayo!
"Eat to live, don't live to eat"
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Let the FUN BEGIN!
The FitCamp officially starts on Saturday, March 13th. Initial weigh ins and measurements can be taken starting Friday, March 12th with your assigned trainer. Weekly group trainings will be held on the following days and times:
Monday at 7 pm with Jacki
Tuesday at 7 pm with Den
Wednesday 5 pm with Angie
Wednesday at 6:30 pm with Jacki
Thursday at 6 pm with AngieFriday 6 pm with Den
Saturday 10:30 am with Angie
Sunday 1 PM with Den
Please let your assigned trainer know when you will be coming each week. Knowing who and how many participants will be coming to a group training will help trainers plan their workouts to meet your needs.
All the trainers are looking forward to the first FitCamp at Canton Club.
May the biggest loser win!